Today’s Post
We have decomposed Teilhard’s convergent spiral model down from its universal configuration to that of the human person, to the three ‘virtues’ by which we make our personal way up the spiral, to the thinking functions that differentiate us from previous products of evolution, and by which we are equipped to make the transition from ‘instinctual’ to ‘volitional’ evolution.
Last week we addressed the model of the ‘whole brain’, by which we perform these thinking functions that power us up the convergent spiral of human evolution.
This week we will look at this model in a little more detail, and see how it manifests itself in our most common concepts.
The Coherent Brain
We have looked at length at ‘dualities’ in human thought, and how most of them can be moved from divergence to coherence once the subject begins to be addressed ‘holisticly’. This is especially true for the historical approach to ‘right’ vs ‘left’ brain modes of thought. As we have seen from the perspective of Jonathan Sacks, while these modes are understood as active in the right and left lobes of the brain, they are more psychological than physiological in the way they work.
Further, the popular concept of this dichotomy suggests that those who are left brain dominant are more quantitative, logical, and analytical (eg engineers and mathematicians), while right-brained individuals are more emotional, intuitive, and creative free spirits (eg artists, dancers, musicians). Thus we have the common concept of left brained individuals more tending to the ‘empirical’ approach to making sense of things and the right brained individuals more ‘intuitional’.
This simplistic treatment overlooks the fact that neither art nor mathematics are firmly set in their ‘brain-ness’. Even the simplest of mathematical expressions requires an initial conceptualization (intuition) of what is being expressed before the factual (empirical) task of formulation. And of what value is a melody if it is not subject to be quantified into a series of objective notes? And if we take both these examples into their ‘life cycle’, they will possibly go through several manifestations as the math model is used or the melody played, with each cycle repeating the intuition-empirical dance that iteratively matures the model.
So, at the very base of our evolution, both at the level of the person and of society, these two modes of thinking come into play not as opposites, but as facets of a single, coherent, uniquely human action.
The ‘Golden Rule’ As the Earliest Example of Thinking with the ‘Whole Brain’
One of the earliest examples of pragmatism in human relations was Confucius’ principle of the ‘Golden Rule’, as recorded in ‘The Analects’:
“Zi gong (a disciple of Confucius) asked: “Is there any one word that could guide a person throughout life?” The Master replied: “How about ‘shu’ [reciprocity]: never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself?”
Variations of the golden rule of Confucius appear in nearly every major world religion and in most other belief systems as well, as it is frequently believed that this one rule not only underlies the fullness of personal life, but insures the success of society.
This ‘rule’ is based on ‘reciprocity’, which in turn is based on the sense of our ‘universality’. In universality, what we believe about ourselves is a valid hermeneutic for what we should believe about others. Very simply, our desire to be well treated can be understood in others to reflect their own such desire.
In terms of ‘thinking with the whole brain’, this simple principle can be seen to have several facets.
The First step is an employment of the ‘right’ brain mode of thinking. It is necessary to have the intuition that ‘others’ have the same sort of feelings that we do. “If I want to be well treated, it is likely that others would as well’. This is intuitive because there is no way to objectively prove such; it must be believed and acted upon without empirical data.
Secondly, the ‘left’ brain hemisphere kicks in as we look into ourselves to establish what constitutes ‘good treatment’. What sorts of actions towards ourselves would be described as ‘good treatment’? Further, if we can quantify these actions, we can come to a decision on how they should be ‘reciprocated’ towards another.
Thirdly, this whole process is done while the lower brains continue their never-ending stimuli. What sort of risks are being taken by following through with these actions? Is the ‘other’ deserving of such treatment? If the situation were reversed, would I receive such good treatment? Will others consider me ‘weak’ because of my thoughtfulness?
So, ‘whole brain’ thinking requires the intuition that all humans persons are sufficiently alike to warrant the treatment we ourselves prefer, the empiricism to determine what that treatment would consist of and the decision to overcome the fears introduced by the ‘lower’ brains.
(It is not coincidence that these three facets reflect the three ‘virtues’ (16 May) which themselves map our journey ‘up’ the convergent spiral of evolution towards increased complexity. ‘Faith’ is necessary for belief that others are ‘like us’, ‘Hope’ reflects our expectations for outcome of reciprocity and ‘Love’ is simply the energy which effects the unity that results from reciprocity.)
Note that the ‘Golden Rule’ is itself the result of ‘intuition’. As Jonathan Sacks notes, ‘empiricism’, as found in ‘left brained thinking’, did not arise in the historical record until the Greek era, and finds its way into Western history via the Greek translation of Christian scripture and its subsequent influence on Western religious thought. In his terms:
“… Christianity was a right-brain religion … translated into a left-brain language [Greek]. So for many centuries you had this view that science and religion are essentially part of the same thing.”
Sacks’ assertion that the “view of science and religion as essentially part of the same thing”, however, has never been a mainstay in Western thinking, as the emergence of scientific empirical thinking was initially seen as a threat to Western religious concepts, as well as to the established and strongly entrenched Christian hierarchy of the time.
Nonetheless, Sacks, as Teilhard before him, was adamant that these two classical modes of thought were somehow connected at their root. Further, they believed that recognition of this connection would lead to a clearer understanding of what it meant to be human as a necessary step toward continuing our evolution. As Sacks sees it:
“It is not incidental that Homo sapiens has been gifted with a bicameral brain that allows us to experience the world in two fundamentally different ways, as subject and object, ‘I’ and ‘Me’, capable of standing both within and outside our subjective experience. In that fact lies our moral and intellectual freedom, our ability to mix emotion and reflection, our capacity for both love and justice, attachment and detachment, in short, our humanity.”
The Next Post
This week we took a deeper look at the skill of using the ‘whole brain’ to assess the ‘noosphere’, further understand our place in it and how we can develop the skill necessary to cooperate with the flow of evolutional energy as it rises through the human species.
Next week we will extend this theme of ‘coherence’ to the great human paradigms of understanding and the ‘hermeneutics’ which we employ in them as we further our attempts to ‘make sense of things’.