How does Teilhard’s ‘lens’ help us to see the benefits hidden in human compression?
This Week
Last week we saw how human history presents the development of the human species as an ever-increasing compression as we fill up the globe, but how the application of Teilhard’s ‘lens’ helps to uncover its potential benefits..
This week we will use his ‘lens’ to recognize the continued rise of evolution’s fourteen billion march toward ‘fuller being’
A Second Look at Compression
As mentioned last week, the idea of ‘compression’ continues to have negative overtones today. In the past few hundred years, humanity has experienced many examples of ‘compression’ which degrade human life. In 1800, Thomas Malthus, citing such examples, predicted that future population increases would doom humans to extinction in a very short time. Mao Zedong demonstrated that the deliberate political compression of society would lead to the deaths of millions.
Teilhard takes a different view of ‘compression’.
“…the more mankind is compressed upon itself by the effect of growth, the more, if it is to find room for itself, is it vitally forced to find continually new ways of arranging its elements in the way that is most economical of energy and space.”
From his viewpoint, the external forces of ‘compression’ must be countered by ‘inner’ tactics of ‘interrelation’ if human evolution is to continue.
“…what appeared at first no more than a mechanical tension and a quasi-geometrical re-arrangement imposed on the human mass ..” must “.. now take the form of a rise in interiority and liberty within a whole made up of reflective particles that are now more harmoniously interrelated.”
The obvious question to one caught up in the compression of society is, how can our ‘rise in interiority and liberty’ take place in a ‘whole made up of reflective particles’? Further, how can these reflective particles (human persons) become more ‘harmoniously interrelated’?
Part of Teilhard’s answer falls into his identification of a positive aspect of societal compression. He relates ‘compression’ to human evolution when he states that compression
“…simultaneously and inevitably increases each human element’s radius of action and power in penetration in relation to all the others; and in proportion as it does so, it has as its direct effect a super-compression itself of the noosphere. This super-compression, in turn, automatically produces a super-organization, and that again a super-‘consciousisation’: that in turn is followed by super-super-compression and so the process continues.”
This assertion is quite a mouthful, but points back to his ‘convergent spiral’ and four levels of human evolution. The phenomenon of ‘compression’ is very real and can be seen daily in the plethora of news which engulfs us. He suggests, however, that the compression itself, since it pushes us closer together, unleashes a new phenomenon, that of ‘super-consciousisation’. Effectively, by coming closer together, our individual ‘radius of action’ is extended, and those more economical ‘arrangements of elements’ can spread more quickly and efficiently. While beneficial to the ‘monad’ and ‘dyad’ levels of human evolution, it is of immense value to the ‘psychism’ and ‘noosphere’ levels.
This reflects Richard Dawkins grasp of the advancement of human evolution by the spread of ‘memes’ (units of insight) through the ‘vehicle’ of human culture. The tighter the fabric of human society is woven, the greater the opportunity for transmission of those insights which will most benefit it.
Once again, this reflects Teilhard’s ‘convergent spiral” and shows the recursive influence of each of his four levels.
At the ‘monad’ level, the individual person becomes ‘fuller’ by assimilation of the cultural values available in the noosphere.
At the ‘dyad’ level, his insights, and hence his maturity, are enhanced by the close relationship afforded by love.
At the ‘psychism’ level, this fullness is increased by the extension of this dyadic energy to a wider group.
At the level of the ‘noosphere’, the collective insights from the individual’s enrichment from the noosphere, through enhancements afforded by his relationships, are refined and added to the noosphere.
Thus, the ‘super-compression’ speeds up and intensifies this recurring activity, leading not only to its ‘convergence’ but to an ever increasing enrichment of not only the individual, but the pairs, the groups and ultimately to the noosphere.
One of Teilhard’s familiar insights can be seen anew in this ontological dance.
“Fuller being from closer union and closer union from fuller being.”
To return to our fears of increased compression, this recurring action also illustrates the ‘interrelation’ phenomenon precisely required to offset the ‘compression’ and therefore insure our continued evolution.
Next Week
This week we saw examples of how Teilhard’s four levels of human evolution, from the ‘monad’ to the ‘noosphere’ serve as the ‘inner pull’ which counters the ‘external force’ of compression as universal evolution spills over into the milieu of human life.
Next week we will refocus our look at evolution through Teilhard’s ‘lens’.